
Projects I hold dear to my heart. They are not here to fill up space. Each one brings me good memories of having fun, making friends, getting challenged, impacting people's lives, and learning a ton. They are here more for me than for you.

Playkids Stories

An e-book app for children.

I was invited to this project to redesign it from the ground up, applying all the learnings that the team previously collected in a successful MVP phase.

The deadline was as tight as the team, and as the only designer in the project, I had to wear many hats (which I love doing). From UX Research to UI design, illustration, deliverables for implementation, and even brand identity (logo + app icon + visuals for the AppStore).

The key element: Research

- Quantitative: We used their previously collected data to understand the pain points that the MVP had in its navigation and align the design to the product metrics.

- Behavioral: Interviewing parents about their reading habits at home to understand their journey so the app could better fit their routines.

- Foundational: I've learned more about how reading habits impacts children's development, as well as visual communication for the target audience.

Below you can see the final product that brought many families together to enjoy great stories.

PlayKids Talk

A safe messenger for kids.

A recurring topic during user interviews was parents telling us how uncomfortable they felt about letting their children use their devices to get in touch with relatives. They had all sorts of stories of bad experiences from these moments. That was the problem that the company wanted to address.

A critical part of this project was the legal aspects of digital privacy and data safety for children. Compliance with the legislation of different countries was, of course, paramount.

As a solo designer in a small team, I've got the chance to cover a lot of ground, doing work that involved UX research, information architecture, visual design, branding, and even illustrating original packs of stickers.

The audio composer deserves a highlight. Kids could select a mouth that would animate to mimic their speech pace. When the audio got sent, the speech bubble in the chat would assume a different shape based on the chosen character, and, when played, the mouth would also move. I'm still very proud of this detail that the team worked so hard to implement. It was a magical moment of the product experience.

I have the best memories from the development phase of this project, the team was incredible, and I made friends for life.

PlayKids Learn

PK Learn was an app with educational games for children.

The company licensed numerous educational games from many different studios. The challenge was to design a product that, not only would be easy and fun to play with, but could present this library of games in a cohesive way.

The flow was straightforward and linear. Grouping the games in clear categories of learning and tapping them would expose the list of games.

We had professional educators as consultants during these projects, and I was always in close contact with them.

The final design presented here is a result of exploring many different directions and testing it both with parents and children.

We wanted the robot character to have a good range of different phrases to react to what kids were doing in the app. So I recorded myself and edited it to sound robotic in order to be used during most of the prototype and development phase until we finally got a professional voice actor to do it properly.

Whoa! You've made all the way here. I hope you had a good time. Thanks! :)

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